Yield Protocol


Contract Address: 0xf9d906a8dd25c4a4966bc075cdc946702219e62c

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Status : Votes For Listing :
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Yield protocol is helping to ease the investment process and maximize profit from the investments. The tool is constantly looking for the best annual percentage yields (APY) available on the market, investing in that liquidity pool (LP), and maximizing the user's profit. There is no need to learn how to search for the best farms available, manually swap tokens or provide liquidity on various Liquidity Platforms - Yield protocol was designed to make it in one click.

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Marketcap -
Price (USD) - $ 0.00247938893239
Price (BNB) - 0.00000789332043


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Added - 01 Mar 2021
Launched - 01 Mar 2021
# Name Chain Symbol Market Cap Price Age Vote Votes